Summer Saga+
Summer Saga+ AHA #528261 is our sport horse/endurance stallion. We believe that he has all the qualities required to be a great endurance horse sire - standing just under 15 hands, he has a long smooth stride, easy balanced action and flexibility, solid dense bone - 8"cannons, and a resting heartrate of 22 BPM, plus an amazing personality.
Saga has over 1400 endurance miles, including multi-day rides. He has placed in IAHA Regional Top Five, and AERC SE Region Top Ten. All of his mileage is in the Heavyweight Division. For more information on how he is doing click on our News Page or see our Competition Records.
Saga is a Sporthorse Nationals Payback stallion; he is Egyptian bred and certified 36% with the ECAHS; and he is SCID clear and CA clear.
His sire is Massar El Sabbah - who was a second level dressage horse, before becoming a quality endurance mount himself. In his youth Sabbah was also a Top Ten halter horse at the Egyptian Event. His sire is Sonietassolar RSI (Almoniet RSI x Sonieta). His dam is Sabbah Din (*Fakher El Din x Masada Bellesabah).
His dam is Summer Savannah - the grand old lady of the farm. At age 21 this lovely mare was awarded a year end Top Ten by MERA for LD endurance competion, having Top Tenned in every ride she competed in that year. In her youth, she too did well in halter competition, having won championships in international competition. Her sire is *Hafiz Etneen (Hafiz x Malekat El Wadi). Her dam is Louzam (Alouraff x Zamirah).
His foals have started their performance careers and are proving to be everything we hoped for! His get is winning in Endurance, Dressage, SHIH and SHUS - including Regional Championships! Please see our Photo Albums and Facebook Page for more pictures of Summer Saga+ and his offspring.
Summer Saga+ is currently standing for a fee of $800. Preference and discounts will be given to performance mares of all breeds, as well as those who have had performance foals. Multiple mare discounts will also be given. Please contact us if you believe you have a mare who would cross well with Saga. Or buy a mare through us and receive a discounted breeding to her!
Booking Fee - $100, included in stud fee.
Mare care $5 dry, $8 wet.
Live cover only at this time.