June 12th - Another Sumer Saga foal has arrived! Honey Nut (TWH) had a sturdy chestnut colt today for owner John Mathews of Jackson TN. He is very excited about the athletic potential of this cross - he is hoping for gait plus a top metabolism for his next endurance mount!
June 5th - The final Summer Saga foal of the year was born. Zoie Starlite presented her owner Monica Rawson with a lovely grey Anglo-Arab filly. "Avalon's" arrival was much anticipated, and her young owner is ecstatic! This little girl will be much loved!

May 17th - Blazing Saddles 50 mile ride. Summer Saga and I had a great time at this ride! We finally had some fabulous ride weather! With no Jrs to sponsor this ride- we picked up the pace and finished 8th in good condition :-) We actually raced in at the finish when challenged, not knowing where we were in the Top Ten, we decided to go for it! Those who know us know how rare it is for me and Saga to get to race - we proved we could do it, though, as we crossed the finish line ahead!

April 30th - A lovely chestnut colt was born - this one a Half-Arabian by Summer Saga and out of the QH mare Shiloahs Dixie. Pendragon is HUGE already, and should be an awesome sport horse or endurance mount! He will be available for purchase.

April 27th - Kyrna Carafe of Keepsake Farms presented her owners with a lovely grey Half-Arabian filly by Summer Saga. KF Pirouette is destined to be an endurance star - her sire and maternal brother are both highly proven .
April 5th - Trace Tribute 50 m. Ok, so the theme for this ride was MUD! Thick, gooey, sticky, deep mud - up to the horses' knees in places. Saga and I took it very slow and eased our way thru the muck to a completion. The trails were lovely, but were just saturated from weeks of rain - maybe next year Spring will actually be there!

March 19th Autumn Kismet (Amadeuss x Bask Esprit) presented us with a lovely chestnut colt by Summer Saga. "Prophecy" will be offered for sale, and he should be a definite prospect for endurance as both his parents have competed very successfully!
March 15th City Slickers 50 m. Wow - talk about WET!! I have ridden at this park lots and never seen it this wet- we had bridges that were floating, water that was so high the bridges were underwater, and it was just soggy and gooey everywhere! ;We even got hailed on! Summer Saga and I sponsored one of my students on her very first endurance ride - Christin Carey did a great job riding Massar El Sabbah, we were also accompanied by another of my students who isn't technically a JR anymore - Monica Rawson on RO Gypsy Saranade.
AERC Year End Awards - Summer Saga and Jennifer Whittaker are 9th in the SE Region - Hvwt Division, Summer Saga also received his 1000 mile medallion this season!!!! Zoie Starlite and Monica Rawson are 5th in the SE Region Junior Division!!!!
MSAHA Fun Show Series - Rose Trilogy and Kaitlyn Stoddard were High Point Champion Walk Trot Limit Rider JTR, and Reserve Champion Walk Trot JTR. They had a great year together!
Nov 30th Blackwater Boogie 55 m. Saga and I made the trip to FL for the first time; and we had a great ride, finishing 9th. This also was our 3rd state in the Region 12 Endurance Challenge, so we picked up that award too - hopefully next season we will make it to more states!
October 12th Willow Creek 50 m - After spending the spring and summer on vacation and breeding mares, Saga is back on the trail. We finished 16th and had a great ride!

May 28th HA Shozon (*Garnizon x Shoaleh) presented us with a gorgeous bay colt: "Flash of Illusion." He is sired by the dressage and sporthorse stallion Jumpin Jak Flash+++// and we are very excited about his potential.
May 19th LBL Express 25m - We had beautiful weather at this ride, which was wonderful as we were starting a youngster. Rose Trilogy is Summer Saga's oldest foal, she completed the LD ride in fabulous shape. She pulsed in at the first check with a HR of 36, and finished with a HR of 45 with all A's on her card. Trilogy was ridden by Jr Kaitlyn Stoddard, while I rode Massar el Sabbah to sponsor her.
March 23rd and 24th City Slickers I & II 50 m - Another great weekend. It was very hot and humid, so Saga and I took it slow, Jr Monica Rawson and her mare Zoie Starlite traveled with us,we all happily completed both days, and it was their first 2 day ride!
February 9th and 10th Camp Osborn Boy Scout Pow Wow I & II 50 m. Saga and I had a fabulous time, the trail and weather were great for our first attempt at back to back 50's! We sponsored Jr Monica Rawson on Zoie Starlite through their second 50 mile ride, taking our time and completing with happy horses, and for day two I decided Saga and I were ready to go back out. He was very forward and happy to travel, we ended up in the Top Ten! Even better - with this completion Saga now has 1025 miles - he's a 1000 mile horse!!!
AERC Year End Awards -Kaitlyn Stoddard and Autumn Kismet are 4th in the Southeast Region Jr division! Not bad for their first year of 50's!
MSAHA Fun Show Series - Our yearling Epic Rose is the High Point Mare, and Rose Trilogy made her under saddle debute with Kaitlyn Stoddard and is High Point Res. Champion in Walk-Trot - JTR!! Both are Daughters of Summer Saga- we are very proud!
Dec 9th Hell on the Border 50 m - This was a new ride in AR, and was probably the coldest ride I've ever done - 18 degrees when we got up to start saddling! Very rocky and icy, a very technical trail - we had a blast. Summer Saga and I finished 7th, and sponsored Jr Monica Rawson on her mare Zoie Starlite to an 8th place on their first 50 mile ride.
Nov 11th Cave Country Canter 50 m. ride - This was a new ride at a new campground, and the rain made for lots of mud for an added challenge to a technical and rocky trail. Summer Saga finished 7th - tired but sound and healthy!
Oct 28th Witchdance II 55 m. ride - Gorgeous weather! Great trail! Summer Saga and Autumn Kismet tied for 9th at this ride in MS finishing in excellent shape!
Oct 14th Willow Creek 50 m ride - Summer Saga and Autumn Kismet both did well at this ride. It was a very technical, challenging trail - a lot of work, but very fun.
Sept 9th Big South Fork 50 m ride. When Saga found the wrong rock on the trail, Autumn Kismet and Kaitlyn Stoddard had to pick up sponsors to carry them thru. Thanks so much to Alice, Jude and Shef for letting her tag along with them so she could finish the ride!
Aug 7th Bey Psyrens Myth (LC Psulybration x Mi Best Bet) presented us with our next performance prospect by Summer Saga. This filly should have it all - type, height, action, bone and brains!
June 18th Hoosier Daddy 55 m ride - We were fortunate enough to arrive after the rain broke and cooled things off in IN, so we had a very nice, if somewhat slippery, ride. Kaitlyn Stoddard was 1st JR on Autumn Kismet, and Summer Saga and I sponsored them through. Both horses finished in great shape and both were in the Top Ten!
April 29th Witchdance 55 m. ride. Autumn Kismet and Kaitlyn Stoddard finished in great shape - coming in Top Ten! Congratulations! Also- Thanks to Cindy who took over as sponsor to make sure she had a chance to complete!
March 29th CCA Tiara (ZF Privilege x Tia Marie JGC ) foaled a lovely grey filly by Summer Saga. Owner Christina Douglas is quite happy with this exotic baby!
March 25th City Slickers 50 m. ride - JR Kaitlyn Stoddard rode Autumn Kismet to a completion in this ride- It was both horse and rider's first attempt at a 50, so this was a good day. Summer Saga and I sponsored the team, and completed in great shape as well.